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Pneumatology I
Pneumatology I
Course Introduction (7:22)
Textbooks, Recommended Reading, & Bible Translations (11:09)
Is The Holy Spirit God? (20:21)
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (18:54)
What Is Cessationism? (16:06)
What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? (10:36)
What is the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? (36:50)
Is It God's Will for Every Believer to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit? (25:44)
What is the Initial Sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? (14:26)
10 Benefits of Speaking in Tongues (27:55)
Does Speaking in Tongues Always Require Interpretation? (20:44)
How to Operate in the Power of the Holy Spirit (32:19)
Final Thoughts and Closing Prayer (2:06)
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Is The Holy Spirit God?
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